Oil on canvas, resin, Quartz gemstones, 20”x20”x1.5”.
“Surfing Baddies” is a vivid and captivating painting that depicts two Hawaiian monk seals surfing under a large wave in the ocean. The foam of the wave created using white clear Quartz gemstones, adding a unique texture to the painting.
The underwater scene is illuminated by rays of light, giving a feeling of depth and movement to the painting. The light also reflects off the backs of the seals, adding a beautiful shimmer to their skin.
The underwater environment is created with resin, making it look incredibly realistic, and giving the impression that the viewer is underwater with the seals. The resin adds a unique and immersive dimension to the painting.
Overall, “Surfing Baddies” is a stunning and dynamic work of art that beautifully captures the beauty and movement of these majestic creatures in their natural environment.