Oahu Sunrise

The paradise of our planet is the Island of Oahu, with Diamond Head mountain, azure water and bright warm sun. Such a seascape pleases the eye and evokes the most tender feelings.
The bright sunrise depicted in this oil painting will fill the interior of your room with brightness and new multi-colored paints.
The neutral theme of the painting Oahu Sunrise is well suited for any collector to complement their collection. The shadows are well worked out in the picture, clearly obscuring the light on the sea surface and pinkish clouds in the sky.
The seascape combines both cold and warm colors, although the advantage of cold shades makes the picture a bit dark, but at the same time gives it its own sophistication.
To the Hawaiian people, sea turtles or “Honu,” are sacred creatures. They embody good luck, protection, endurance and long life.

Available directly from Galina.